Mystic Knot Earrings
A pair of mystic knot earrings in 925 sterling silver.
Symbolic meaning and uses
The mystic knot symbolizes a never ending cycle of good fortune, longevity, unending prosperity, limitless success, continued good luck and health, lasting togetherness, assured continuity of love, everlasting love, among other things. Associated with the number 8, the mystic knot is especially powerful in period 8 (year 2004 to 2024).
It is the perfect emblem of "persistant love", thus being identified as the lucky love symbol suitable for ensuring that the romance in a marriage will last.
It is also the best symbol of protection against accidents and misfortune. If you are travelling offshore or faraway, the mystic knot will also protect you against accidents and danger, including robberies, burgalary, kidnaps and any other kinds of danger.
Now you can have good luck and protection in the most stylish way!
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